Top 3 Insider Secrets For Making Customer Data More Profitable
In order to make your customer data profitable, you need to repair incorrect data, replace missing data, and develop a system for staying organized over time. When your data is […]
Those 5 Magic Numbers: How a Zip Code Can Grow Your Business Like Gangbusters
Is the old business adage “location, location, location” still relevant in the digital marketplace? If you’ve recently tried to find parking at a Target store on a Saturday afternoon, the […]
The #1 Way to Slash Your Marketing Spend
Like most businesses, chances are you don’t have an unlimited marketing budget. Every time you run a marketing campaign that doesn’t provide a strong ROI, you lose precious financial resources […]
How to Target the Customers Likely to Buy Next
Recently I was the honored recipient of a free week of Blue Apron meals gifted to me by a friend who appreciates my “foodiness.” Blue Apron is perfect for a passionate cook like me because you get to experiment with new recipes and ingredients each week. The first item on the Blue Apron Agenda was a recipe for Thai Coconut Shrimp Soup, which called for the use of lemongrass. Now, I had never used lemongrass in my cooking before, but my friend had done her market research: she knew I was a culinary adventurist always ready to try something new (turns out lemongrass is great for infusing broth with flavor, but not so great when minced and consumed directly!). Lesson I learned is that sometimes – without proper research into a new ingredient – I do not prepare it correctly just by reading a recipe! I wish Blue Apron had provided a better way to describe the expected results of using this non-mainstream ingredient. Crunchy lemongrass in each bite of soup was disappointing. The lemongrass infused broth was delicious!