Those 5 Magic Numbers: How a Zip Code Can Grow Your Business Like Gangbusters
Is the old business adage “location, location, location” still relevant in the digital marketplace? If you’ve recently tried to find parking at a Target store on a Saturday afternoon, the […]
Putting Your Data to Work: How to Use the Data You’ve Collected to Boost Your Bottom Line
When was the last time you had a conversation about cornbread? Let me explain what this has to do with DATA! There are two cornbread camps, and the one you fall into can reveal a lot about your marketing. I will explain this claim later in this article and why my friend Fran likes to make cornbread in an aluminum pan but when it comes to marketing her small business she opts for a well thought out plan based on carefully appended data – the cornbread equivalent of baking in a cast iron skillet. By focusing on quality, long-term customer loyalty, and strategic marketing decisions that are based on aggregated data, you’re sure to achieve results as delicious as cast iron cornbread. Check out the following case study to see what I mean…. Case Study: Data In Action
5 Ways to Use Predictive Analytics to Boost your Bottom Line
In my exploits in the kitchen as an enthusiastic home cook, I am usually looking for more than one way to use a new ingredient (or an old one) that […]