Creating Better Marketing Campaigns with Customer Clustering
If you’ve recently created an umbrella marketing campaign to target all of your customers, it’s probably because you want (and need) to make a big impact with your marketing message. The secret to creating more effective marketing campaigns begins with a process called clustering. Think of clustering in the same way you think of cooking. Just as you have certain foods and recipes that make your mouth water every time, each of your customers has unique tastes and sensibilities, and will therefore respond differently to different marketing messages. While you may need to effectively target a large portion of your customer base, those customers can’t (and shouldn’t) be marketed to in exactly the same way. Hey, we are all unique!
How to Create Customer Profiles and Expand Your Reach with Purchased Lists
Last month on the blog, I revealed a three-step system for using customer zip codes to choose your next store location. Having a customer’s zip code is a powerful tool […]
Those 5 Magic Numbers: How a Zip Code Can Grow Your Business Like Gangbusters
Is the old business adage “location, location, location” still relevant in the digital marketplace? If you’ve recently tried to find parking at a Target store on a Saturday afternoon, the […]
How to Target the Customers Likely to Buy Next
Recently I was the honored recipient of a free week of Blue Apron meals gifted to me by a friend who appreciates my “foodiness.” Blue Apron is perfect for a passionate cook like me because you get to experiment with new recipes and ingredients each week. The first item on the Blue Apron Agenda was a recipe for Thai Coconut Shrimp Soup, which called for the use of lemongrass. Now, I had never used lemongrass in my cooking before, but my friend had done her market research: she knew I was a culinary adventurist always ready to try something new (turns out lemongrass is great for infusing broth with flavor, but not so great when minced and consumed directly!). Lesson I learned is that sometimes – without proper research into a new ingredient – I do not prepare it correctly just by reading a recipe! I wish Blue Apron had provided a better way to describe the expected results of using this non-mainstream ingredient. Crunchy lemongrass in each bite of soup was disappointing. The lemongrass infused broth was delicious!