Creating Better Marketing Campaigns with Customer Clustering
If you’ve recently created an umbrella marketing campaign to target all of your customers, it’s probably because you want (and need) to make a big impact with your marketing message. The secret to creating more effective marketing campaigns begins with a process called clustering. Think of clustering in the same way you think of cooking. Just as you have certain foods and recipes that make your mouth water every time, each of your customers has unique tastes and sensibilities, and will therefore respond differently to different marketing messages. While you may need to effectively target a large portion of your customer base, those customers can’t (and shouldn’t) be marketed to in exactly the same way. Hey, we are all unique!
Keeping KPIs Simple: Narrowing Our Focus
I recently attended the CMO Smart conference from American Marketing Association Chicago, which was all about “Marketing at the Speed of Change.” The two panels of six chief marketing officers (CMOs) mentioned […]
Why You Need A Data Audit Right Now
If you could increase your take-home pay by tens, even hundreds of thousands of dollars in 2016, would you do it? In my experience, there are two types of answers […]
3 Signs You Desperately Need A Data Audit
Second quarter is the best time of year to take stock of your 2016 goals. Enough time has passed in the new year to determine if you’re on track, and […]
Case Study: How To Better Allocate Association Resources Using Data – Part 1
At Massa & Company, each of our projects begin with a data issue. Clients either need help with data management, manipulation, storage, cleaning, or sometimes all of the above. We […]
How To Prevent A Marketing Meltdown
“What can marketers do so they are seen as part of a machine that drives revenue and profits? How can marketers take more control over the revenue process, build the […]
Find And Fix The Problem Pages On Your Website With Google Analytics
This blog post is the first of a four-part series, “The Top 4 Ways To Get Value From Google Analytics”. These posts are intended for those who haven’t used Google […]
5 Strategies For Choosing The Right KPI For Your Business
In a recent post, we discussed what key performance indicators are, and how they can help you troubleshoot unexpected problems before they irreparably hurt your business. That leaves us with […]
Why Should Your Business Have Strong KPIs?
Business is going strong, climbing quarter over quarter. But suddenly, it begins to drop. What’s going on? Is your sales staff complacent? Have you not spent enough on marketing? Why, […]
Technology Is The New Personal Shopper: How To Use Data To Transform Your Customer’s Buying Experience
If your company is using predictive analytics to spot market trends and anticipate seasonal needs in your stores, congratulations! You’re well on your way to using data to transform your […]
How Your Store can Succeed with Data-Based Marketing
As a retailer, the successful collection and application of customer data is the most powerful tool in your marketing toolkit. When integrated into all of your marketing efforts, data has […]
How to Create Customer Profiles and Expand Your Reach with Purchased Lists
Last month on the blog, I revealed a three-step system for using customer zip codes to choose your next store location. Having a customer’s zip code is a powerful tool […]
Those 5 Magic Numbers: How a Zip Code Can Grow Your Business Like Gangbusters
Is the old business adage “location, location, location” still relevant in the digital marketplace? If you’ve recently tried to find parking at a Target store on a Saturday afternoon, the […]
Putting Your Data to Work: How to Use the Data You’ve Collected to Boost Your Bottom Line
When was the last time you had a conversation about cornbread? Let me explain what this has to do with DATA! There are two cornbread camps, and the one you fall into can reveal a lot about your marketing. I will explain this claim later in this article and why my friend Fran likes to make cornbread in an aluminum pan but when it comes to marketing her small business she opts for a well thought out plan based on carefully appended data – the cornbread equivalent of baking in a cast iron skillet. By focusing on quality, long-term customer loyalty, and strategic marketing decisions that are based on aggregated data, you’re sure to achieve results as delicious as cast iron cornbread. Check out the following case study to see what I mean…. Case Study: Data In Action
Intuition vs. Data: Which Marketing Style is Right for Your Business?
This month on the blog, we’re revealing 3 easy, actionable ways to predict your customer’s next purchase using data and predictive analytics. Some marketers rely heavily on intuition to create their marketing campaigns. When they’re right about what their customers want, this technique works well. However, when marketing goals aren’t met, it can be mystifying to try and find the source of the problem. That’s why Step 1 of this 3-step process is changing your mindset about your customer. Whether you rely on intuition, data, or a combination of the two, it’s important to recognize that only your customer knows what they really want.
Turning Data Into Dollars: How to use Predictive Analytics to Increase Revenue and Decrease Marketing Costs
In my last post, I revealed how Predictive Analytics can be used to predict customer behavior in the same way that a great recipe can predict a delectable meal. Just […]
5 Ways to Use Predictive Analytics to Boost your Bottom Line
In my exploits in the kitchen as an enthusiastic home cook, I am usually looking for more than one way to use a new ingredient (or an old one) that […]